CRK Scheme for Nigerian School

As a student studying in the secondary school it is always good to start preparing on time for classes. So it is good to know everything about your school scheme of work.

In this article, provides you with an illustration of a plan of work for Christian Religious Information (CRK) in a Nigerian optional school. This plan of work is intended for a one-year educational program and can be changed in view of the particular necessities and prerequisites of your school.

Term One

Topic 1: Introduction to Christianity

  • Key beliefs and practices of Christianity
  • Major divisions within Christianity
  • Introduction to the Bible and its importance in Christianity

Topic 2: The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ

The origin and early life of Jesus Christ

Jesus' ministry and miracles

Parables and teachings of Jesus

The crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus

Topic 3: The Early Church

The disciples and apostles

The growth and spread of Christianity

Persecution of early Christians

The Council of Jerusalem

Term Two

Topic 4: Pauline Epistles and Early Christian Communities

  • Existence and Conversion of the Apostle Paul
  • Paul's missionary journeys
  • Paul's letters to various Christian communities
  • Key themes in Paul's teachings

Topic 5: The Early Christian Church and its Challenges

  • Early Christian worship and practices
  • Challenges faced by the early Church
  • The function of Roman parliaments in the persecution of Christians
  • Early Christian martyrs and their significance

Topic 6: Christian Ethics and Morality

  • The Ten Commandments and their relevance
  • Christian virtues and values
  • Ethical teachings of Jesus
  • Contemporary ethical issues and Christian responses

Term Three

Topic 7: Christian Sacraments and Practices

  • Baptism and its significance
  • The Eucharist (Holy Communion)
  • Other sacraments in Christianity (Confirmation, Matrimony, etc.)
  • Liturgical practices and worship in Christianity

Topic 8: Christian Church History

  • Major events and developments in Christian history
  • The Great Schism and the Eastern Orthodox Church
  • The Protestant Reformation and its impact

Contemporary Christian denominations in Nigeria

Topic 9: Comparative Religion

  • Comparison between Christianity and other major religions (Islam, Traditional African Religion, etc.)
  • Similarities and differences in principles and processes
  • Interfaith dialogue and religious tolerance

Kindly note that this plan of work is only a model and can be changed by the particular educational program rules and instructive objectives of your school. It's vital to consider the necessities of your understudies and the time accessible for every point to make a balanced and thorough CRK educational program.

Thank you for reading, stay tuned as we bring to you more scheme of work for schools.

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